The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

14 December 2009

Autistic Senator?

By: Mary Aileen Valera
ASP Diliman Chapter

For every tear we parents shed over our children with autism, I wish that a river of tears would wash over those insensitive politicians and wannabes who use the term "autistic" derogatorily.

I personally wish Ernesto Maceda and his ilk to drown in a sea of parents' tears to rid them of their ignorance, arrogance, and to wash their blackened hearts off with greed and love for power.

I would not exchange my son's simple and guileless mind with their convoluted ones. They do the term "autistic" a disservice with their perseverative behavior of stealing over and over again at all times.

If Noynoy Aquino was truly autistic and he becomes president, then i rejoice with hope for my son. Let us all be united in educating the public that people with ASDs should not be ridiculed or looked down derogatorily. Nor should the term "autistic" and "autism" be used in a misleading and insulting manner.


I stumbled upon these blogs by journalist Raissa Robles. Her posts on Noynoy Aquino's alleged autism is very instructive and hilarious.

Click here for the link and here.


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