The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

06 May 2010

ASP Diliman Chapter Spearheads Basketball Clinic

By: Mary Aileen Valera, Treasurer-ASP Diliman Chapter

ASP Diliman Chapter spearheads the first Basketball Clinic for persons with autism. The clinic teaches PWAs sportsmanship, camaraderie, the value of keeping fit and appreciation for exercise.

Our boys may not become 'at par' with professional basketball players, but the seeds of knowing the game and appreciating the game have been planted. This after all is our goal and we are proud to say, we have already succeeded 100%.

Our chapter parents absent themselves from work, travel far from their homes, shell out extra cash or hire additional nannies or kuyas (buddies) to watch over their sons. They willingly and cheerfully go the extra mile because they believe in the spirit and benefits this exercise will give to their children.

Everyday our boys run around the court. Everyday they do the stretching exercises. Everyday the coaches coax them to

do more, to exert more effort, to dribble better, to shoot better, to run faster and longer. Just to see our boys work and compete as a team is reward beyond measure. Dear parents, thank you for prodding your sons to attend each day of the clinic. Dear coaches, thank you, for even if it is your first time to handle our lovable special kids, you rise far above expectations. Thank you for trusting in the project and brainstorming with us after every session. We are halfway through with the program but we already feel victorious.

Diliman's Dream Team

ASP Diliman Chapter will have their Basketball Clinic culminating activity on May 13, 2010. Please stay tuned for more updates on the event. To get in touch with the chapter call ASP Diliman Chapter President Josephine Palomares at 0918-926-9637. Be an Angel for Autism. Donate to ASP and help families dealing with autism. The time is now. Call 7-903-5496 or email us at


Anonymous said...

Hi! I would like to ask if you're going to have a basketball clinic for this summer? If you do kindly email me the details and schedule, thank you.

James go

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