The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

17 June 2010

Jet Li Plays Father to Autistic Son in Ocean Heaven

By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary

Action star Jet Li sheds his kung fu robe to play father to a 22 year old autistic son in a non-mainstream, low-budget Chinese language production, Ocean Heaven.

father and son (Jet Li and Wen Zhang) are sitting on a dilapidated wooden boat

Jet Li admits to crying a lot after reading the script. He also revealed having a nephew with autism, who withdrew himself for nine months before stepping out of darkness, after constant family support and encouragement. The incident made him realize how important it is to offer attention and care to those who are affected.

from the Chinese drama film "Ocean Heaven", starring Jet Li and Wen Zhang

"This film shows that filmmakers have a responsibility to do something for society. If we can raise people's awareness of the issue of autistic children and their parents, that's enough." said Jet Li.

Jet Li was named TIME magazine’s 2010 Most Influential People, along with Temple Grandin.

Ocean Heaven is expected to open at the end of June. Click here to watch trailer with English subtitles.

Sources: YouTube, China Daily, Press Association


Anonymous said...

Where can we get a DVD copy of the movie? Is it available in the Philippines?

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