By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary
Solar Entertainment’s 2nd Avenue brings “Parenthood,” a TV-drama series about Adam Braveman (Peter Krause, Six Feet Under) and Kristina (Monica Potter, Boston Legal) are parents to Max (Max Burkholder), who is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.
Parenthood airs on August 20, Friday at 9PM on 2nd Avenue. 2nd Avenue is seen on UHF RJTV Channel 29, SkyCable Ch. 19, Global Destiny Ch. 29 and Cable Link Ch. 46.
Asperger Syndrome on TV poster |
More than 50 years ago, Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician observed 4 boys in his practice who had difficulty integrating socially. The boys lacked empathy, with little ability to form friendships, had one-sided conversations, had intense absorption in special interest and were physically clumsy. He called the boys “little professors” because of their ability to talk about their favorite subject in great detail.
His first published definition of Asperger’s Syndrome in 1944 as a pattern of behavior and abilities that he called "autistic psychopathy", meaning autism (self) and psychopathy (personality disease). Only years after his death in 1980 were his journals and works published and internationally recognized. (Source: Wikipedia)
Asperger’s Syndrome is also described by some as “a dash of autism”. People with AS are also known as “Aspies”. Aspies have normal to high intelligence and language development but they find social situations and personal relationships challenging. Aspies are able to work successfully in mainstream jobs, although they may continue to need encouragement and moral support to maintain an independent life.
Click here for a comprehensive Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet.
Who are Famous Filipinos with Asperger Syndrome?
• Thristan “Tum-Tum” Mendoza – world class marimbist, who Majors in Percussion at UP College of Music.
Click here to watch Tum-Tum play the marimba and dance like Michael Jackson!
• Patrick Louie So – math wizard, sophomore student of BS Life Science at Ateneo de Manila.
Click here to read how Patrick survives his first year in college
• Gabriel “Gabby” Atienza – cartoonist, author of “My Life as A Comic Book”.
Click here to watch how Gabby came to terms with himself and his love for art.
Where do I seek support?
• Visit the ASP National Office Library to read books on Aspergers Syndrome.
• Register for a FREE Family Support Group on August 21, 2010 at the ASP National Office at Room 307, ML Building 47 Kamias Road, Quezon City. Call 7-903-5496 to register. Hurry only 15 slots available. Click here for more details.
• Become a member of Autism Society Philippines.
Click here to sign up for membership
• Visit our community website and check out our resource directory for more information.
How is this diagnosed? Where can we find facilities/ centers who conduct diagnostic tests?
is there any clinician specializing in aspergers syndrome here in the philippines? hoping for your reply... thank you
Hi G Pao. Once a sub-category under autism, Aspergers Syndrome is no longer recognized as of 2013, according to the diagnosis manual DSM-5. For assessment, one would have to go to a developmental physician ( For a listing of professionals, clinics, schools, please purchase a copy of the resource directory from the ASP office (
May I know what is the recent incidence and prevalence if it in the Philippines? ;-)
No longer recognized? What does this mean? So either high or low in the spectrum, they are now tagged under autism?
What do you mean when you said no longer recognized?
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