The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

01 September 2010

Temple Grandin Biopic Sweeps 7 Emmys

By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary

August 29, 1947, the birth of one of the most brilliant minds in the autism community – Temple Grandin - Doctor of animal science, best selling-author, inventor and autism advocate. She has more to add to her resume, her colorful life documented in the Emmy multi-awarded film.

On the red carpet, Temple wore a black cowboy shirt with a red scarf, a stark contrast to the shimmering gowns of other actresses. Click here to watch a short interview.

With 15 nominations to the film’s credit, accepting the Emmy for Outstanding Made for TV Movie was Emily Gerson Saines, one of the Executive Producers. Together with Claire Danes, who also won Outstanding Lead Actress, playing Temple and other producers joined her on stage. Here are a few glimpses of the event:

Claire Danes (right) clutching her Emmy with Temple Grandin (left)

“Autism has reached epidemic proportions... On behalf of all parents like myself, who has a child with autism, Temple Grandin, you are our HERO. And Eustacia Cutler…” Temple suddenly came to her, gave her a giant hug for about 10 seconds, while the audience clapped for them. Emily continued, “And Eustacia Cutler, you are our INSPIRATION. Happy Birthday Temple!”

It was Temple’s birthday during the awarding ceremonies -a fitting gift to her lifetime story. Temple stole the whole show, as accolades were given to the people who worked in her biopic.

Temple couldn’t stand it any long and grabbed the microphone from Emily, “Mother, mother, stand up, please.” She points to her mom who is seated in the audience. “I know you’re nervous but please stand up!” Eustacia stood up proudly. During the early years (‘50s-‘60s) when autism was unheard of, Temple was recommended by a doctor for her to be institutionalized. Eustacia fought the system.

“Thank you HBO for standing by this project. For the 10 years it took to climb those stairs…..” Emily Gerson Saines was referring to the time she read Thinking in Pictures, when her son Dashielle was just diagnosed with autism in 1996. According to her, the book brought her hope and Eustacia (Temple’s mother) gave her a sense of direction and purpose. Emily also co-founded Autism Coalition for Research and Education. Years later with her previous connections with HBO, the film was produced.

Claire Danes, Outstanding Lead Actress, prepared her role by listening to the recording of Temple Grandin repeatedly and working with a choreographer to practice her unique mannerisms. She looked stunning in her golden gown, “….You are the most brave and intrepid person I have ever known. You have dedicated your life to helping those who are misunderstood and under represented. This –referring to the Emmy – is in service of your work. Thank you.”

Other awards collected as follows: Outstanding Directing Mick Jackson; Outstanding Supporting Actress Julia Ormond as Temple's Mom; Outstanding Supporting Actor David Strathairn as Dr. Carlock; Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing; and Outstanding Music Composition.

Congratulations to all the winners. Temple we are proud of you!!

Sources: Temple Grandin Website, LA Times, Emmys


HBO’s Temple Grandin will be available soon in the ASP Library. Keep checking the blog for more information. Call 7-903-5496 or email us at


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