By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary
Children with autism are prone to bullies because of their inability to read social cues or lack of awareness. Sometimes they are bullied, just because they are different from their peers.
During my son’s elementary and high school years, he was not spared from bullies and they can sometimes be relentless! Below are some of the tried and tested tips that we have used.
1. Provide the school with books and reference materials (like videos) about autism and bullying. Here are some samples:
Understanding Autism for Dummies, co-authored by Stephen Shore and Temple Grandin (both in the spectrum), a very comprehensive book about autism and Asperger Syndrome. My personal opinion, I think every school integrating children with autism in their schools should have this.
A photo of book "Understanding Autism for Dummies" |
Anti-Bullying Campaign Video of the National Autistic Society, which was used across England, Scotland and Wales.
WATCH: How do you prevent students with autism from being bullied?
Click here to watch video
2. Orient teachers and administrators about autism, your child’s specific conditions, and how to handle possible behaviors that may affect his schooling, including possible bullying by classmates. Continue initiating meetings like this for new teachers each school year.
3. Provide or request for shadow teachers if needed.
4. Request regular parent-teacher conferences.
5. Remind the siblings or the child with autism to always report to parents or teachers about bullying incidents.
6. For bullies who will not stop even after “peaceful” negotiations, bring the matter to school authorities.
7. If needed, remind them of the
Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities and the corresponding legal consequences - from P50,000 to P100,000 and or six months to two-year imprisonment for first offenders!
Click here to know more.
8. A new bill was filed in the House of Representatives yesterday, August 19, 2010, House Bill 2361 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2010.
Click here to read more. ASP will keep you posted on the bill.
ASP works hard for the welfare of people with autism and their families. Be an Angel for Autism. Help spread autism awareness. To request for an Autism Orientation in your schools, colleges or universities, write us at or call us at
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