The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

22 November 2010

ASP San Fernando City Chapter Seminars December 4

San Fernando City Chapter

Seminars on

1. Home Management Program: A Parent Perspective

This Seminar aims to furnish parents, caregivers and professionals with different approaches on how to teach persons with autism (PWA) adaptability to daily family activities, routines, chores, down to functioning in the home setting. Acquired valuable skills can support the PWAs road to self-reliance. Home Management Program is created to meet the specific needs of the PWA and also aims to address behavioral concerns of PWA at home.

2. Daddy's Power: A Father's Journey with Autism

Traditionally, mothers are the ones responsible for their children with disabilities while the fathers take on the role as breadwinners. But Ever Malapad and his wife Apple chose the road less travelled. Evert has taken upon himself the responsibility of taking care of Mae Mae, their daughter with autism for the past eight years. It has never been that easy yet the rewards have been immeasurable.

This talk shares Daddy Evert's journey from the moment his daughter was diagnosed with autism, his decision to forego his rising career as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), his struggles and triumphs as a "daddy-teacher" and his advocacies in championing the cause of persons with autism and other disabilities.

Be inspired and encouraged as you listen to his unique story!

Speaker: Mr. Evert L. Malapad, M.A. Sped

Mr. Evert L. Malapad is the current president of Autism Society Philippines- Metro South Chapter and a Trustee of ASP National Office. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology. He is presently teaching adult program for individuals with special needs at Candent Learning Hauz in BF Homes Las Pinas City. Mr. Malapad complet his Masters Degree Program in SPED and B S Secondary Education at the University of Perpetual Help–Las Pinas City. Evert is a father of a 16 year-old girl with autism.

Venue: Heroes Hall Magdalena St., San Juan San Fernando Pampanga on December 4, 2010 Saturday 1pm - 5pm

Seminar Fee (with Snacks and certificate)

ASP Member - P150

Non-ASP Member - P200

Pre-Registration is advised.

For details: Pls. call or text: Teacher Joy 0908-876-5625 / 0922-854-3574

Grace 0908-892-2038 / 0916-230-0163


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