JR Tan, person with autism participated in the Family Support Group at the ASP National Office last June 18, 2011. He documents some of his experiences in “Gregarious Meeting” . JR also offered some suggestions to the topics discussed below.
Concern for Tantrums It is normal for children to throw tantrums if things don’t go their way. For instance, when I was about 4 years old, I had limited vocabulary; I could not say things what I wanted (like reaching for things high above the cabinet or having the kind of food I wanted). If people couldn’t understand me, I would start to whine, lie on the floor, and threw tantrums. Eventually, through working with a speech therapist, I was able to increase my vocabulary and got my messages across.
Speech therapy was an essential to address JR’s delayed speech and echolalia, as recommended by his developmental pediatrician Goal settings and constant practices at home were vital in the progress. The family found out that JR’s tantrums lessened when he was able to communicate his needs. For children who are non-verbal, alternative communication devices can be used or taught to the child.
Visiting the Oval Office One mother said her son feared wiping himself after using the toilet. I suggested that he may wear gloves to prevent him from the icky feeling. Then after doing his necessities and to avoid the spread of germs, tell/prompt him to wash hands with soap and water. He can also use hand sanitizer or alcohol, depending on his preference. These methods may help the child cope with his fear.
Make visiting the toilet after breakfast a daily ritual. This will also help establish a routine for your child and not disrupt your schedule. Two mothers also suggested installing a toilet spray or bidet at home to assist the child with toilet hygiene challenges.
PWD Restroom |
When the family is in the mall, and the child wants to go to the toilet, visit the PWD Restrooms. It might be useful to bring your child’s PWD ID with you all the time for cases such as these. Inform the attendant that your child needs assistance, then, go into the restroom with him. Click here on how to apply for the PWD ID.
Sign up now for the latest seminar workshop on Behavior Management Program on July 9 Saturday from 9AM-4:30PM at Asian Social Institute. Call 7-903-5496 for details.
Be an Angel for Autism. Donate generously to ASP Programs and Services. Donate to Autism Society Philippines Metrobank Kamias Branch 047-3-04751874-2. Email us at autismphils@gmail.com or call 7-903-5496.
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