By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary
“Autism is more challenging compared to other disabilities. Our goal is to eventually remove ‘parent’ or ‘care giver’ from the picture, so that Patrick can be assimilated in the University,” related Peng So, ASP National Vice-President and Chair of the Education Committee, to this author.
Now a third year BS Life Science student at Ateneo de Manila University, Patrick So, aka “The Math Wizard” is supported by the “Buddy or Peer Support” system patterned from the US. His mom works with an Occupational Therapist/Psychologist to address his needs in adjusting/coping with college life.
PWA Partick So |
Peer Support Program is a pilot project of Ateneo’s SPEED Org or Special Education Society. Members of this organization can serve as
“buddies” to special needs students, for certain number of hours, on a voluntary basis. This program also aims to equip Psychology or Special Education Students to better understand the needs of PWA students like basic classroom rules, socializing with peers, or keeping appointments. So hopes that the Peer Support Program can also inspire other colleges to follow suit.
Click here to watch video on the So family, courtesy of True Stories.
ASP Laguna Chapter’s
Autism Resource Center (ARC) operates a small catering service and employs adolescents and young adults with autism. They also provide
regular trainings like cooking, ice making, banana chips making, to clerical/messengerial tasks like encoding, packing and delivery.
Click here to read more about ARC.
Parents and teachers who volunteered for the “Hands on Training" of ASP Laguna's ARC.From left to right Jane S. Lumbo, Ma. Sharon A. Roque, Riza R. Enriquez, ASP Laguna Chapter President Riza Cansanay, Jerome S. Nicolas and ASP Trustee, Gina Bermudo |
employable persons with autism, Carmel Almendrala, ASP Trustee and Chair of the Advocacy Committee advocates to let PWA
take government examination. According to Almendrala, her son Mike passed the examination administered by TESDA for Civil Service Eligibility back in 2005. He is now working as a regular employee at the Philippine Information Agency.
Click here to watch video about the Almendralas, courtesy of CBN Asia.
PWA Mike Almendrala |
ASP also
continues to educate students in Universities and Colleges about autism through Alyana, the first Filipino digital documentary on autism, by film maker Mirana Medina.
Click here to watch the trailer. Interested universities can contact ASP at
Digital poster of Alyana |
ASP looks forward to an inclusive, rights based, barrier-free Educational System for children, adolescence and adults with autism. We continue to work hard for the future of our children. We Share our Hopes with you. It’s time to help Build our Dreams. Donate generously to ASP Programs and Services. Donate to Autism Society Philippines Metrobank Kamias Branch 047-3-04751874-2. Email us at or call 7-903-5496.
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