The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

10 November 2011

Alyana Screened at ASP Tacloban Chapter

By: Firie Esperas, ASP Tacloban Chapter

Autism Society Philippines Tacloban Chapter screened "Alyana, a study of autism in the Philippines". The audience was composed of parents of children with autism and other disabilities, students, health workers, teachers, and ordinary citizens. The movie illustrated the various facets of autism across the spectrum, and gave the audience a deeper appreciation of the disability.
Participants of the said seminar

It also served as a culmination of to the seminar held in the morning of the same day, with Miss Erlinda “Dang” Koe, ASP Chair Emeritus as the Resource Speaker. It reinforced the lessons of the morning's lecture.

In attendance was the producer-director of the documentary, Mirana Medina, herself a grand-aunt to Alyana, an adolescent with autism, from whom the film was named after.

The screening was followed by an open forum where the audience could field questions regarding the film. Mirana Medina, producer-director of " Alyana", Dang Koe, Resource Speaker of the Seminar; and ASP Tacloban Chapter President, Dr. Geraldine Abuyabor, composed the panel who answered the queries from the audience.
Mirana Medina (3rd from left), Dang Koe (2nd from right) with Tacloban Chapter headed by President Geraldine Abuyabor (4th from left)

The screening last September 17, 2011, was made possible by the support of the City Government of Tacloban, and the Leyte Normal University. Proceeds from the screening will be used for the Free Assessment and Evaluation of Children with Special Needs in Tacloban City by a team of Occupational Therapist and Speech Pathologist on November 20- 21, 2011.

You can contact the ASP Tacloban President Geraldine Abuyabor at 0917-306-3539. To request for Alyana Film Showing and ASP Orientation on your chapter, you can email us at or call 7-903-5496.


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