Mr. Akiie Ninomiya |
On behalf of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), I would like to congratulate Autism Society Philippines on your 13th National Autism Conference.
Since I believe that “disability is a gift from God” the Bible clearly says that “the works of God should be made manifest in person with disability” (John 9:3)Therefore, persons with autism are gift to our society; our “Hope for “A” Nation” comes from them.
APCD has been supporting autism organizations in South East Asi. APCD was instrumental in organizing the ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) during the 1st AAN Congress in Bangkok,Thailand in 2010. APCD assumed a vital role during the 2nd AAN Congress in Brunei Darussalam last April and supported the establishment of the Vietnam Autism Network (VAN) in August of this year.
APCD is committed to support initiatives to promote the rights of persons with autism. It will be collaborating with AAN and the Lao Autism Association for the "Autism Definition and Screening Workshop" in Laos. With the redefinition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) 5, the ASEAN region may need to come up with a practical definition of autism based on this manual taking into consideration the social and cultural context of the region. APCD seeks for opportunities for collaboration in the field of autism. It has initial talks with the International Institute for Global Health of the United Nations University (UNU) to develop a screening system on autism and training program.
In North America, researches showed that 1% of primary school children sre diagnosed with autism. With this fact, autism will be one of the major groups among the disability sector.
The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) with 24 years of experience, 67 chapters and 10,000 members will surely contribute to create an "AUtism Friendly ASEAN" by 2015. ASP is the most active autism organization in ASEAN Region with its rich experiences on advocacy and technical capability, therefor ASP's leadership serves as an engine to realize an Autism Friendly Society.
Executive Director
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability
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