16 December 2014

The 2015 Angels Walk for Autism Icon Tshirt

Every year, since 2007, the Angels Walk for Autism has released tshirts for walk participants to use. In the early years, the shirts were text-heavy and promoted the Autism Society Philippines contact numbers in font that can be seen across a crowded room.

With the Angels Walk's growing popularity, the tshirt design has transformed from being a promotional shirt to being a valued collector's item. Individuals with autism and their families wear the Angels Walk shirts all year round, especially since the message of the shirt is enough to draw compassion and understanding without need for words.

This year's Angels Walk icon is a stylized imprint of a shoe, that integrates silhouettes of wings created by Japan-based artist Yuki Auxtero. Aside from a tasteful design, the shirts will be made available at the reasonable price of P150 each, regardless of size.

Angels Walk 2015

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