The Autism Society Philippines is appreciative of the the interest from researchers from all over the world on autism and the individuals and families who live with this condition. We can only hope that this search for knowledge on a misunderstood condition can fuel our aspiration to build an Autism-OK Philippines.
ASP receives volumes of thesis assistance requests all throughout the year. And to manage the overwhelming number and our humble resources, the organization shall pursue research proposals which can provide meaningful, genuine benefit for our members in partnership with visibly dedicated and vested researchers -- instead of being a one-way engagement.
This PWA soccer event was organized by UST students researching on nutrition and diet. |
Interested students from all levels -- from grade school to post-graduate -- and researchers intending to publish must submit the following requirements. These requirement must be met if the student/s is/are conducting a focused group discussion, a survey or an interview with leadership.
1) A signed letter of introduction, articulating the study parameters of your thesis, your timeline and what you need from ASP in precise terms. This document must be created in the letterhead of your school and must include the name, signature and contact number of your supervising professor.
For example: “We are conducting a study of the effects of gaming on children with autism. We would like to request for ASP to assist in identifying 10 children who are gamers. We will distribute a 20-page survey to their parents. We also need an ASP staff member to fill out an evaluation form on how well we conducted the study. The study needs to be competed by February 2016.”
2) An explicit commitment that ASP will receive a copy of the final thesis and will be allowed to share it in the ASP Reading Room with interested parties and in our digital library on Scribed. This must be written out and included in #1.
3) A proposal for a simple event or project you or your group will organize for ASP members. This will be the basis of inviting your target audience to meet with you. The project must be connected to your field of study and needs to deliver tangible benefit to families and/or individuals living with autism. For example, if your project is on assessing the merits of non-traditional interventions, you can host a photography walk for kids with autism or a lecture for parents on the same subject. Parents will explicitly agree to participate in your study by signing up for the event. You are expected to provide a reputable resource person or expert who will moderate the activity or lecture. ASP will endorse your event to the chapter nearest you and help you promote the effort; but the project has to be driven and executed by the student researchers themselves.
Please send the requirements to autismphils[at]gmail[dot]com. Upon receiving your proposal documents, the ASP National Office will assess within seven (7) calendar days, if the request merits endorsement to an ASP chapter. Incomplete submissions will mean automatic rejection of the request.
Compliant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012, we cannot share membership data. We also cannot release a survey to sub-section of our membership that meets a research criteria. ASP had been entrusted with member information for the specific use of ASP -- and not third parties. We look forward to engaging with researchers in a manner that is equitable to both the researcher and the respondents; and respectful to privacy preferences of the respondents.
Due to the significant volume, we also no longer accommodate interview requests. Instead, we encourage students to attend the monthly New Member and Volunteer Orientation on the second Saturday of each month. Aside from getting basic questions about autism answered, researchers may ask their questions during the Open Forum.
Thank you for helping build a greater understanding of autism within the academic community.
I'm i going to angles walk
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