The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

29 August 2017

ASP's Autism Works lands in Davao

On National Heroes Day last 28 August 2017, ASP National President Mona Magno-Veluz, ASP National Trustee Marivic Ramos, and ASP Angel Corps Volunteer Carl Veluz traveled to Davao City to facilitate the first ever Autism Works Open House in the Crown Jewel of Mindanao. They were warmly supported by ASP Davao President Liplip Perrenas, Autism Works Project Manager for Davao Momay Al-ag and the rest of the local chapter officers. Applicants, their parents and their teachers from all over Davao City congregated at the ASP Davao office for a day of interviews and assessments.

The image shows Autism Works Team, participants with their parents and ASP Davao officers having a group photo.
The Autism Works Team with the participants with their parents and ASP Davao Officers

The assessments determined occupational interest while the panel interviews highlighted the degree of job readiness of the candidates. ASP has successfully identified compassionate workplaces and developed accommodated training programs for job success. Successful applicants in Davao will be deployed in SM Savemore Bangkal and SM Supermarket Ecoland. A handful of opportunities in fast food outlets are also in the works.

The image shows Mr. Uswaldo Parrenas wearing black shirt and eyeglasses. He speaks about Autism Works and holds papers.
Mr. Liplip Perrenas

"This is historic for our chapter," said ASP Davao President Liplip Perrenas. "We are establishing standards for PWAs to be successful at work and we hope our parents and schools will work with us to reach these standards."

The ASP Autism Works career placement initiative welcomes applicants from all across the spectrum. "We believe in the potential of all persons with autism," shared ASP National President Mona Magno-Veluz. "Talking to businesses allows ASP and the enterprise to explore best practices in job definition, recruitment, training and performance management. What we learn is shared with job readiness institutions, so that their programs can be more responsive to the needs of industry. We do all this in the name of acceptance, accommodation and appreciation of persons with autism."

The image shows Autism Works participants sitting by group answering questions during the open house.
The participants of the Autism Work Program

We look forward to ushering more "heroic" persons with autism, ready to enter the workplace.

The ASP Autism Works Open House series is happening all over the country - Quezon City, Davao, Los Baños, Cebu, Lucena, Iloilo and Parañaque. This project was made possible with the support of Cebu Pacific, Communicare Therapy Center, Inclusion Advoc8, Kitestrings Developmental Center, WorkAbilities, various ASP Chapters and media outlets like Cebu Daily News, Sun Star Cebu, ABS CBN Iloilo and ABS-CBN Cebu.

The Autism Society Philippines' Autism Works career placement initiative aims to build an autism-inclusive society, by creating genuine employment opportunities in compassionate workplaces for adults with autism. ASP's CBR-inspired employment model empowers PWAs and their families towards success at work, through careful profiling of candidates, customized job matching, job coaching training and partnership with respected transition specialists and employers. ASP cordially invites job-ready persons with autism to explore employment possibilities by sending their resume to

27 August 2017

Parents share their Son-Rise stories

Michelle Linchauco-Tambunting, early childhood educator, lecturer, and writer, came to ASP National Headquarters on August 19 to speak about the benefits of the Son-Rise Program before 75 parents and professionals. As a mother of Luis, a child diagnosed with autism, she had a great deal to share about the difficult times and the many challenges with her younger son and his condition. She has had critical and crucial setbacks of denial until her discovery of the Son-Rise Program. Luis not only became comfortable inside the home, but also enjoyed the new learning environment where he was placed alongside neurotypical children -- thriving, making friends, and having lots of fun in the true spirit of goodwill and camaraderie. She believes that the possibilities for every child are limitless for as long as family life reinforces acceptance of autism in the society.

The image shows Ms. Michelle Tambunting speaking during the seminar.
Ms. Michelle Tambunting with the participants of the said seminar

The Son-Rise Program is only one of many approaches to helping families come to terms with the challenges brought by autism.

About the contributor: John Christian Ambion has been diagnosed with autism since his childhood years. He finished at World Citi Colleges – Antipolo with the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education and he plans to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers. He now works as an Assistant Teacher at St. Catherine Special Learning Center of Antipolo, Inc., his alma mater for eight years.

25 August 2017

Carmel Almendrala nutures a new set of parents

The Family Support Group meeting was held last 19 August 2017 at Autism Society Philippines National Headquarters. ASP National Trustee Carmel Almendrala served as mentor to a group of young parents for the afternoon. The participants shared challenges they have been experiencing -- from occupational and speech therapy and other services around the learning environment, to financial difficulties, which was the biggest hurdle for many.

The image shows during a Family Support Group.
Our Family Support Group participants led by Ms. Carmel Almendrala

Everyone presented their joys and challenges -- something parents rearing child with autism all have. Tita Carmel shared practical advice and pragmatic techniques that could help with special needs parenting. The discussion covered picky eating, meltdowns, delayed speech and psycho motor skills, among others.

The meeting became lively when she reflected on the acceptance of autism by sharing the experiences of her son. Tita Carmel recalled the many challenges he faced -- from his personal obstacles to his fruitful career. She narrated Mike’s experiences through sports, especially when he won bronze medals at the Special Olympics World Summer Games, both in Dublin 2003 and Shanghai 2007, to which she affirmed that her son became a significant influence in the society’s acceptance of autism.

PWA artist Tomas Perez-Diaz, an Apolinario Mabini awardee, attended the FSG with his mom Nati.

One participant shared, “You have to invest in your child’s learning. What you put in is what you can pull out. Lots of patience.”

About the contributor: John Christian Ambion graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from World Citi Colleges - Antipolo. He works as a Junior Program Assistant in ASP and plans to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers in 2018.

23 August 2017

ASP Family Support Group for September 2017

ASPs monthly family support group sessions bring together parents, siblings and other family members to talk about their journey in living with autism. Participants share their experiences and draw enlightenment and strength from others going through the same challenges. We welcome members and non-members to this intimate gathering. New ASP members are encouraged to join.

The image shows a father and son Alex and PWA Vinz Cabason wearing white polo.
Mr. Alejandro Cabason with son Vinz

Our facilitator for this session is Alejandro S. Cabason Jr. Alex served as Vice President of the Autism Society Philippines 2014-2016. Alex is a graduate of AB Political Science from the University of the East Manila and of MA in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines Diliman. This public servant, church worker and a motivational speaker is happily married with four children. His youngest child, Victor Lorenzo or Vinz, is on the spectrum. An ardent advocate of autism education since 2002.

Date: September 23, Saturday
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Venue: Autism Society Philippines National Headquarters
Address: #9 11th Jamboree Street cor. Sct. Fuentabella, Brgy. Sacred Heart, Kamuning, Quezon City

Sign up for the Family Support Group via the on-line form below or call 7-903-5496. Only 15 seats are available.

21 August 2017

Sensory Integration Therapy and Children with Autism Seminar

It’s Too Loud! Don’t Touch Me! That Tastes Funny! Many people on the autism spectrum have difficulty responding appropriately to different stimuli in their environments. They may be classified as hypersensitive (frequently craving different types of sensations) or hyposensitive (lacking or having a low response to sensations). Any of the senses may be over- or under-sensitive, or both, at different times.

These sensory differences can affect behaviour and learning, and can have a profound effect on a person's life. Understand SI in non-technical terms. Find out its basic principles and application in home and school settings in order to address behavior problems of our special children.

About the Speaker:
The image shows Ms. Anna Pascual wearing black blouse, smiling and has short hair.
Anna Yap Tan Pascual
Anna Yap Tan Pascual is a licensed occupational therapist, registered both in the Philippines and Australia. She took BS Occupational Therapy in 1992 and finished her Master in Rehabilitation Medicine in 2002 both at UP-Manila. Teacher Anna has several work experiences in Philippines, USA, Australia and China in the past 25 years being a pediatric occupational therapist. She organizes and serves as main speaker and facilitator for numerous seminars and workshops. She works with kids from 0 to 18 years old with various disabilities. Teacher Anna uses principles of sensory integration within a developmental framework to help prepare children to be successful in the school and home settings.

Seminar Fees:
Pre-Registration (until September 19 or until slots last)
ASP Member- P 500.00
Non-Member- P 700.00

On-site Registration
ASP Member- P 600.00
Non-Member- P 800.00

Seminar Details:
Date: 23 September 2017, Saturday
Time: 8:00AM - 12:00NN
Venue: ASP National Headquarters, #9 11th Jamboree Street cor. Sct. Fuentabella, Brgy. Sacred Heart, Kamuning, Quezon City

Pre-registered participants may pay to Autism Society Philippines, Metrobank, Kamias Branch Account Number 047-3-04751874-2. Please email the scan copy of your deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s and contact numbers to and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants or walk- in will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 70 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who do not show up on the date of the seminar. For more details, please call ASP at 02-903-5496.

The ASP Education and Empowerment Program serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.

03 August 2017

Cooperative of ASP QC Chapters turns 5

The image shows four people holding hands forming into circle with different colors.
It was one afternoon in July five years ago today, that 15 parents came together to deepen their friendship and commitment for the sake of their children with autism (CWA). Most of them are members of the different Quezon City chapters of Autism Society Philippines (ASP). Their objective is not only to strengthen their support group but to provide a better future for their CWA. The parents realized that only in coming together can they truly help their CWA as they become adults. Their logo therefore would be the ‘kapit-bisig’ and their motto ‘kayang-kaya kung sama-sama.’

The idea of a cooperative appealed to them as the platform with which to achieve this objective. A cooperative has democratic ownership and control because decision-making is done by all the members. The Kaakibat ng ASP Multi Purpose Cooperative was first registered as a credit cooperative in Feb 2013. Two years later it became a multi-purpose cooperative with the purpose of providing socialization activities, work opportunities and adult services/programs to their CWA. Other goals were to help parent financially for therapy and special education; and to establish a Center which will serve as a respite for parents and workshop for their CWA.

Since then, the cooperative has done activities for the children of their members. These included art activities like ‘katsa’ bags, Christmas cards and gift bags which are sold to friends and relatives. The CWAs were also taught to prepare sandwiches for events. Other regular activities included singing (like caroling) and sports like swimming and basketball. These activities not only give the CWAs opportunities for socialization and livelihood but also raise their self-confidence and self-worth.

This November, the KASP-MPC will be doing a benefit recital/musical to raise funds for their dream Center.

About the contributor: Josephine Palomares has long been the face of autism advocacy for ASP Diliman Chapter. After serving as the President of the chapter for multiple terms, she continues to serve the disability community as she leads the Kaakibat ng Autism Society Philippines Inc. Multipurpose Cooperative; and contributes as an active member of the Association for Adults with Autism. She owns and personally manages a thriving model airplane export business in Bulacan. Her son Macky is on the spectrum.

01 August 2017

Parent Sharing on the Son-Rise Program

Learn simple, yet effective, Son-Rise strategies that have helped parents encourage their children with autism to look at them, use verbal and non-verbal communication, interact socially and become more flexible. Find out what makes the Son-Rise Program different from other therapies. This is open to parents, professionals and adult caregivers of children of all ages challenged by autism and related development difficulties.

About the Speaker:
The image shows Ms. Michelle Tambunting and her son Luis. Ms. Michelle has long hair, smiles and wears black shirt. Her son Luis wears school uniform.
Ms. Michelle Tambunting with son Luis
Michelle Tambunting is an early childhood educator, lecturer and writer who runs an inclusive preschool in Manila. She and her husband, Victor, are parents to two boys, aged 10 and 6. Her younger son, Luis, was diagnosed with autism at 2 years old. While enrolled in an ABA center and doing speech and OT interventions, Michelle rediscovered The Son-Rise Program, through a friend. She had watched the movie about Raun and his family many, many years back while researching for a paper on autism in college. She joined the Start-Up in May 2015 and life for their family has never been the same since. They saw so many wonderful changes in Luis just with adopting the Son-Rise lifestyle soon after she returned from the course. After she, her husband, her older son and two volunteers worked with Luis in the playroom for almost a year and a half, Luis’ flexibility, speech, sensory issues and self-regulation greatly improved. Luis is now in a fully inclusive class with 20 other neurotypical children, thriving, making friends and having loads of fun!

Because of how life-changing The Son-Rise Program was for the whole family, Michelle continues to share with other families about the gifts of the program and the many small miracles they have experienced with Luis. After attending Raun’s lecture in October 2016, the entire teaching staff at the preschool which Michelle co-founded in 1999, has adopted Son-Rise principles as a way to foster inclusion, compassion, acceptance and love in their classrooms. This has truly helped many other children, aside from Luis. Michelle, Victor and their family look forward to sharing the blessings of The Son-Rise Program to many more families, educators and practitioners who work with children on the spectrum.

Seminar Details:
Seminar Fee: P 300.00
Deadline of Registration and payment: August 16, 2017 4PM (First come first serve)
Date: 19 August 2017, Saturday
Time: 9:00AM - 12:00NN
Venue: ASP National Headquarters, #9 11th Jamboree Street cor. Sct. Fuentabella, Brgy. Sacred Heart, Kamuning, Quezon City

Pre-registered participants may pay to Autism Society Philippines, Metrobank, Kamias Branch Account Number 047-3-04751874-2. Please email the scan copy of your deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s and contact numbers to and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants or walk- in will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 80 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who do not show up on the date of the parent sharing. For more details, please call ASP at 02-903-5496.

The ASP Education and Empowerment Program serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.

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