The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

20 August 2021

Meet the Candidates for ASP Bacoor Officers 2021-2023

The image shows an enter keyboard with a finger pressing sign of electronic voting.
Meet the Candidates Poster

The Autism Society Philippines Bacoor Chapter will be electing its new Officers, who will serve for the year 2021-2023 -- between 20 August - 03 September 2021.

The Election Committee, composed of Cenin Faderogao (EleCom Chair), Abby Mendoza and Angel Penaloza reviewed nine (9) nominees for the minimum criteria set in the ASP By Laws. Read the nomination guidelines here: . While some were not qualified, others did not accept the nomination. Upon election, the officers will hold an internal vote on who will take posts in the Executive Committee: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor.

Here are the profiles of the final 9 candidates (in alphabetical order) for the ASP Bacoor Officers 2021-2023; and their qualifications and accomplishments to-date in our autism advocacy. You may fill out your digital ballot here:

Candidate #1: Arcelo, Teresita B.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: New Candidate
Occupation: SPED Teacher
Education: AB English, Masters in SPED
Advocacy Accomplishment: Advocates to empower parents/guardians of children with special needs.

Candidate#2: Baldisimo, Merryvic N.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: Auditor
Occupation: Dental Secretary
Education: Associate Computer Science
Advocacy Accomplishment: An advocate of persons on the spectrum and their families.

Candidate #3: Corporal, Russel Gay M.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: New Candidate
Occupation: Housewife
Education: BS Hotel and Restaurant Management
Advocacy Accomplishment: Inspires parents of children on the spectrum and continues to raise awareness within the community.

Candidate #4: Dela Cruz, Jonie P.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: PRO
Occupation: Teacher
Education: BSE Mathematics
Advocacy Accomplishment: An advocate of persons on the spectrum. He spreads autism awareness in the school community where he imparts knowledge to young minds. Dedicated to help PWA’s to be more active through sports.

Candidate #5: Estoque, Melody G.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: President
Occupation: Special Educator
Education: BS Ed - with units in Special Education and Early Childhood Education Advocacy Accomplishment: Empowers, strengthens and inspires parents of children on the spectrum, as well as teachers.

Candidate #6: Lagarde, Rowena
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: President
Occupation: Housewife
Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Advocacy Accomplishment: An Autism Work Project Manager in Cavite-Train PWA to be job ready with the support of the school and therapy centers and community. Passionate in assisting parents of children on the spectrum, especially in times of need.

Candidate #7: Macaroy, Agrifina M.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: Vice President
Occupation: Caretaker
Education: Highschool Graduate
Advocacy Accomplishment: An advocate for an autism-inclusive environment in schools and supports parents and guardians of children on the autism spectrum.

Candidate #8: Malaluan, Jonathan E.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: New Candidate
Occupation : Brgy. Employee/Entrepreneur
Education: BS. Marine Transportation
Advocacy Accomplishments : Advocates for people on the autism spectrum.

Candidate #9: Penales, Lucia G.
Last ASP Chapter Position Held: Auditor
Occupation: SPED Teacher
Education: BS Biology(Microbiology), MA SPED
Advocacy Accomplishment: Advocates on inclusion of Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) in the regular classroom.

Digital Ballot: Election of ASP Bacoor Officers 2021 – 2023

The image shows an enter keyboard with a finger pressing sign of electronic voting.
Voting Guidelines Poster

All bonafide ASP Bacoor and Molino members, with updated dues as of July 31, 2021, are invited to vote for the officers of the new ASP Bacoor Chapter -- view the full list of candidates here:

Members may cast their ballot via electronic voting ( from August 20 - September 3, 2021.

The announcement of new ASP Bacoor Chapter officers will be on September 8, 2021. The conduct of the elections will be based on the ASP National By-Laws. Questions, concerns, and disputes may be elevated to Cenin Faderogao (Chair, Election Committee -- Elecom decisions are deemed final.

19 August 2021

ASP Economic Empowerment Programs

***UPDATE: Due to unforseen circumstances, the ASP Leadership Townhall is postponed to September 11, Sat, 10am. Sorry for the inconvenience. ***

Date: 28 August 2021, Saturday, 10am
Register below to get the zoom link
Deadline of registration is 10 September 2021, Fri at 12nn

The image shows a woman typing using her laptop with three moderators named Ms. Mona Veluz, Ms. Helen Cheng and Mr. Cenin Faderogao.
ASP Economic Empowerment Poster

The next ASP Leadership Town Hall will focus on economic empowerment opportunities for chapters, parents and persons on the autism spectrum under several ASP programs. Let’s discuss existing programs such as the ASP Autism Works, the ASP AutisMALL, the ASP NegosyAU and explore the potential of more upcoming initiatives. We will also discuss how ASP chapters can develop fund-generation activities that are effective and compliant to ASP governance standards. Mona Magno-Veluz, Helen Cheng and Cenin Faderogao will be our resources for this interactive session.

This online event is EXCLUSIVELY for ASP Chapter leaders in good standing, with updated memberships.

Our Speakers:

Mona Veluz serves as the National President of the Autism Society Philippines. She received degrees in Business Administration, Applied Economics and Strategic Marketing from the University of the Philippines Diliman, University of Asia and the Pacific and the London School of Business. Drawing from her experience as a corporate communications and recruitment professional, she helped grow the national advocacy initiatives such as the 1Pangako, ASP Angel Corps, A-OK Philippines campaigns and the widely-successful ASP Autism Works economic empowerment initiative.

She speaks publicly on disability advocacy, leadership, and genealogy. Mona is a wife and a mom to three kids. Her eldest, Carl, is an adult on the spectrum who is active in the community -- volunteering, working on his entrepreneurial ventures and finishing an architecture course.

Helen Cheng is a current ASP National Trustee and headed the AutisMALL Pilipinas, a virtual market place for products and services by and for persons on the autism. As a neophyte trustee, she has contributed a lot for ways and means during ASP major events - Angels Walk, National Autism Consciousness Week celebration, World Autism Awareness Day, and others.

Her practical approach to getting things done made a lot of these events easier to execute. Helen graduated from University of Santo Tomas with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Business Administration. She is currently working with her husband’s family business and at the same time a fulltime mom to her four children including Kenrick Albert, a 25 year old artist with autism. Helen's generous heart includes sharing Kenrick's talents in any way helpful to ASP.

Cenin Faderogao, the “Kuya” or “Sir Cenin” of the ASP’s Pweday every Saturday afternoon, is an advocate of children and youth with disability, and a pro-active agent on their rights and welfare. As Program Coordinator of ASP, Cenin brings unique perspectives gained from his six years’ experience working with the parents and PWA empowering them to unleash the untapped potential of ASP members and program beneficiaries. Using real-world examples, Cenin sheds light on how the invaluable talent each person brings to ASP and can positively impact its mission.


17 August 2021

Motivating Communication in Children and Youth on the Spectrum

Date: 04 September 2021, Saturday
Time: 9:00am (we are not accepting late-comers)
Register below to get the zoom link
Deadline of registration is 03 September 2021, Friday at 12nn
This learning event is EXCLUSIVE TO ASP MEMBERS

The image shows a mother teaching her son and daughter with two moderators Ms. Cecile Sicam of ASP National and Ms. Cynthia Quiason who is the resource speaker of CEED.
Motivating Communication Poster

Discover the many opportunities to teach language and communication skills at home. This webinar will help our parents create a conducive home environment that inspires speech in our children on the spectrum.

Our Speaker:

Ma. Cynthia Rodriguez-Quiasonis the pioneer that started it all. As founding President of the Philippine Association of Speech Pathologists, she opened a venue where we could all learn and grow together, collaborate with each other in ensuring that we continue to improve in our profession, and that every Filipino who needs our help may be assisted by providing quality service. She laid the foundations for the association, which we have grown to respect and love today. Her career speaks of years of dedicated service, not just to clients who need speech and language intervention, but also to her fellow speech pathologists, paving ways to uplift and constantly improve the profession.

A graduate of BS Speech Pathology from UP-CAMP in 1985, Teacher Ting's 29 years as a speech pathologist encompasses advocating for the profession in various events and seminars, providing services to both pediatric and adult clients, which she continues to do as a Senior Consultant at Speech Ladder Therapy Center and as the co-owner of the Center for Exploration and Experiential Development, and educating generations of future speech pathologists, formerly in the UP- College of Allied Medical Professions, and currently at the UST-College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Teacher Ting continues to be dedicated to the association's cause, being active in the various activities of PASP. Truly, a model of high standards for current and future speech pathologists.


04 August 2021

ASP Family Support Group for August 2021

Date: 21 August 2021, Saturday
Time: 10:00am - 12:00nn
Register below to get the zoom link
Deadline of registration is 20 August 2021, Friday at 12nn

The image shows a group holding hands by one another with two moderators named Ms. Babylin Roa of ASP Cebu and Ms. JI Abello of ASP Iloilo.
August FSG Poster

ASPs monthly family support group sessions bring together parents, siblings and other family members to talk about their journey in living with autism. Participants share their experiences and draw enlightenment and strength from others going through the same challenges.

The Autism Society Philippines -- together with this month's host, ASP Iloilo -- welcome members and non-members, bound by a common experience that is autism. We aspire to educate, empower and inspire to help build an Autism-OK Philippines.

Our Moderators:

MS. BABYLIN ROA is the chapter president of ASP Cebu. She is the mother of 24yr old Kalvin who is in the spectrum. Kalvin worked in a supermarket under the AutiSM Works Initiative Program of Autism Society Philippines. Mommy Babylin is a licensed Civil Engineer but found her passion in Special Education and Counseling.

In 2010, she set up Kite Strings Developmental Center, Inc. with her friend Sandra, with the hope of helping other children with developmental delays and support parents and family members who like her, had her own share of challenges raising Kalvin. Babylin and Sandra are co-program managers of AutiSM Works Cebu.

TEACHER AI ABELLO is the past president of ASP Iloilo Chapter. She is a sped teacher and the Coordinator of the Special Education program of the College of Education, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City. She is a mother to Akim, an 11-year old boy with Autism and ADHD.

02 August 2021

Nomination for ASP Bacoor Chapter Officer 2021-2022

The Autism Society Philippines Bacoor Chapter will elect its new sets of officers for the year 2021-2022. To continue the chapter’s advocacy, ASP is looking for the next leaders who are interested to serve the ASP Bacoor chapter and continue the programs and activities of the organization.

The image shows people raising their hands with their watches and braclets on.
ASP Bacoor Nomination Poster

From 2 August until 15 August 2021, nominations are now welcome to fill the executive committee. This year’s Election Committee (EleCom) Chair is Mr. Cenin Faderogao. He and other members of the Election Committee, Abby Mendoza and Angel Penaloza will validate the status of all nominators and the qualifications of all the nominees.

On 20 August - 3 September 2021, ASP Bacoor will elect its new leadership–who will lead the chapter members for the next 2 years and continue its national advocacy.

Nomination Guidelines:

1. For an ASP Bacoor member to nominate another member to the execom position, he/she must be an ASP Bacoor member with an updated membership as of 31 July 2021 and a member for at least six months.

2. An ASP Bacoor member may nominate himself.

3. Nominees must meet the following criteria:
3.1 an active ASP Bacoor member in good standing for at least two consecutive years
3.2 of good moral character
3.3 able to attend regular and special meetings virtually or physically.
3.4 able to head a committee.

4. If a nominee does not meet the above-mentioned qualifications, the ASP Bacoor member who nominated him/her may email the EleCom Chair a “Request for Consideration” highlighting the candidate’s other attributes. EleCom Chair shall consult with the ASP National Trustees for a decision.

Nomination Process:

1. A call for nomination will be sent to all members.

2. To nominate, please fill-up the Nomination Form thru this link (

3. You will receive a confirmation of the nomination you have submitted. However, the nominees must approve or accept their nomination to be included in the final list of candidates.

4. The Election Committee will validate the status of all nominators and the qualifications of all the nominees and confirm their eligibility via email and phone.

5. We shall be posting the final list of candidates on 20 August 2021.

Voting Process:

1. Members may cast their ballot via electronic voting from 20 August - 3 September 2021.

2. The conduct of the elections will be based on the ASP National By-Laws.

3. Decisions of the Election Committee will be final.

4. The new ASP Bacoor Officers will be announced on 8 September 2021.


Nomination Period: 2 August until 15 August 2021
Online Elections: 20 August - 3 September 2021
Announcement of Results: 8 September 2021

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