03 November 2023

Autism Angels Take Flight 2023

“Autism Angels Take Flight”, hosted by the Cebu Pacific for members of the Autism Society Philippines, will be held again on November 20, 2023. This event is in line with the ASP AUdventure’s purpose to provide children and youth on the spectrum with opportunities to: embrace fresh encounters, discover unfamiliar destinations to enhance their growth, and champion the cause of inclusivity and the creation of more autism-friendly environments.

Autism Angels Take Flight 2023 Poster

The Cebu Pacific has long been a partner of the Autism Society Philippines in creating autism-friendly spaces. The “Autism Angels Take Flight” allows ASP members’ children on the spectrum to experience being inside an aircraft, and how it feels to be a passenger.

Who can join
• Interested members may sign up for this event via this online form: https://bit.ly/3u4SX0A
- priority is given to regular members of regular chapters who have not yet attended previous “Autism Angels Take Flight” events.
- the submission deadline is November 14, 2023.
• One (1) child/youth on the spectrum and one companion per family.
• The ASP Secretariat will confirm the booking via text/call.

We only have 50x2 slots available, so we would like to share the opportunity across as many chapters as possible.
• For cancellations, please communicate at least 48 hours ahead, as a courtesy and to give others the chance.

What to prepare
• Wear an ASP Angels Walk Shirt or green shirt
• Optional: Bring an extra shirt, face towel, face mask.

How to get there
• Participants must be responsible for their transportation.
• Participants are expected to be at the APlus Hangar beside Cebu Pacific Office, Domestic Road, Pasay City at 1:00PM (exact time and place to be confirmed).

What to expect
• When you get to the venue, look for the ASP banner or Grace Adviento, who is managing the event.
• Chapter leaders are expected to manage their group/members, especially during the waiting time.
• No assurance that latecomers can be accommodated.
• The tour will be done while the aircraft is parked; it will not be flying out.
• There will be a zoom orientation for participants before the event. Please wait for the announcement once you have been selected as participants.

2:00PM to 4:00PM (to be confirmed)
- Registration
- Welcome Program
- Tour
- Snacks
- End of Tour/Event

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