14 January 2024

The 28th National Autism Consciousness Week

Duty-bearers from government agencies and rights-bearers from civil society organizations and advocate institutions are one with the nation in celebrating the Philippines 28th National Autism Consciousness Week to be held from 14 to 20 January 2024. This annual observance was made possible by President Fidel Ramos' Proclamation 711 of 1996 – in inspiring genuine and organic acceptance, accommodation, and appreciation of persons on the autism spectrum in our society and our global community.

The image shows a dark aqua background with three settings logo shown at the left. There are name and date of activities and a QR Code shown at the right side below.
The 28th National Autism Consciousness Week Banner

The activities of the week promote action by the public and private sectors towards enabling persons on the autism spectrum to live with dignity, enjoy equal rights and access, function independently, and contribute productively. Society should strive beyond “consciousness” or “awareness” and inspire genuine inclusion -- through acceptance, accommodation, and appreciation! Public and private institutions are encouraged to spearhead creative activities, events, and programs, toward building opportunities for our neurodiverse population, all over the country.

Read more about the NACW 2024 Game Plan for the week at: https://bit.ly/NACW2024-gameplan. This is a live document that continues to be revised as additional inputs are receives from advocates from all over the country.

This year's theme, "Accessible Education and Economic Empowerment for Pinoys on the Autism Spectrum" -- is consistent with the global disability community’s aspirations expressed by the United Nations during the last International Day of Persons with Disability:

“Given the multiple crises we are facing today, the world is not on track to reach numerous Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets by 2030. Preliminary findings from the forthcoming UN Disability and Development Report 2023 indicate that the world is even more off-track in meeting several SDGs for persons with disabilities.

Our efforts to rescue the SDGs for, with, and by persons with disabilities, need to be intensified and accelerated, given that persons with disabilities have historically been marginalized and have often been among those left furthest behind.”

A fundamental shift in commitment, solidarity, financing and action is critical. Encouragingly, with the adoption of the Political Declaration of the recent SDG Summit, world leaders have recommitted themselves to achieving sustainable development and shared prosperity for all, by focusing on policies and actions that target the poorest and most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities.”

The theme intends to:

1. nurture partnerships between the government and the private sector to realize accessible education and economic empowerment for Filipinos on the autism spectrum – consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #4 and #8.

2. inspire disability inclusion among like-minded national, local and community thought leaders who create policy and provide services for Filipinos on the autism spectrum and those who care for them– consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #10.

3. grow a community of allies within the country, the region and the rest of the world, supportive of programs towards genuine disability inclusion -- consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #10 and #17.

Does your agency or institution want to join the national commemoration? Do you need tools, resources or assistance to bring your initiative to a wider audience? Send us an email at autismphils@gmail.com, if you feel we can help. Or drop us a DM via any of our social media channels -- Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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