The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

18 March 2025

ASP AUmbitious Inspiring Voices, Empowered Leaders

Date: 2 April 2025, Wednesday, 1pm
Venue: Canva Philippines, #116 V.A. Rufino, Legaspi Village, Makati City
Time: Registration starts at 1pm
Attire: Smart casual in green (participants). You can bring jacket or sweater.
Register here:

The image shows four self-advocates at the left side and the restaurant background.
ASP AUmbitious 2025 Poster

ASP’s “AUmbitious: Inspiring Voices, Empowered Leaders” is a TED-talk-inspired event that highlights the experiences, challenges, and successes of Filipinos on the autism spectrum in their chosen fields, such as education and the creative industries. This hybrid event, both in-person and virtual, aims to bring together autism self-advocates, allies, and government stakeholders to promote greater awareness, inclusion, and leadership development. Participants can hear firsthand accounts of how individuals on the spectrum have navigated their paths and overcome obstacles.

Our featured speakers include NCDA Executive Director Ms Glenda Relova, Raymarc Badillo, Pia Cabanero, Ian Lopez, and Executive Director Abelardo David (Independent Living and Learning Center).

With the support of the Autism Society Philippines’ Self-Advocates Circle, the National Council on Disability Affairs, and Canva Philippines, the “AUmbitious” event aims to challenge stereotypes and promote a more inclusive society. The event strives to shift mindsets by amplifying self-advocates’ voices, encouraging a broader understanding of the abilities and contributions individuals on the spectrum can offer as leaders and change-makers.

1:00 pm Registration
2:00 pm National Anthem | Community Prayer | Welcome Remarks | “Warming up for Success”
2:30 pm “My Path to Empowerment in Education”
Welcome Remarks
“Warming up for Success”
2:45 pm “Thriving in the Creative Industry”
3:00 pm “From Challenges to Champions: Turning Setbacks into Strengths on the Path to Leadership”
3:15 pm “Digital paths toward an inclusive world”
3:30 pm “Reflecting on Expectations and Impact”
3:35 pm Community Photo
3:40 pm Closing Remarks | Snack and Networking


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